We’re delighted to share that Trinity College meets all of the independent school standards.
Just a few of the highlights from the Ofsted monitoring visit at the end of September are shared below.
“Leaders have ensured that the English curriculum is now planned and sequenced. It is clear what pupils will learn and when. For example, pupils in Year 9 are currently learning how to write spy stories. They are learning about exposition, conflict, climax and resolution. This is building on their previous learning about stories having a simple beginning, middle and ending. It is preparing them well to be able to write in different genres in the future.”
“There is an effective anti-bullying strategy in place. Pupils say that bullying is rare and that if it does occur, they trust the adults to intervene appropriately.”
“Teachers’ lesson plans now take into account pupils’ aptitudes, needs and prior attainments. Teachers are aware of the information on pupils EHC plans which they use effectively to plan activities that help pupils to reach their targets. The leader responsible for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) makes frequent checks to ensure that this is happening.”
“Pupils have recently learned about gender reassignment, transphobia, disability and racism. The school has gained a nationally recognised qualification in celebrating diversity. Leaders are taking account of the latest statutory guidance.”
“The proprietor has ensured that leaders demonstrate good skills and knowledge appropriate to their role. Leaders fulfil their responsibilities effectively so that the independent school standards are met consistently. Leaders actively promote the wellbeing of pupils.”
You can find out more about the amazing work at Trinity College, and what our star colleagues and young people get up to by clicking here.